
Română (RO)

  1. Nume: Stichting vrienden van de Parochie de Heilige Basilios de Grote en Heilige Ludger
  2. Numar fiscal: RSIN:854992728, KvK:6287233
  3. Contact:

Adresa: Heilweg 8 

6932 KH, Westervoort 

Telefon: +31(0)68 544 9293 


  1. Consiliul de administratie

Presedinte: pr. Calin Pop 
Secretar:  Emilia Cretu 
Contabil: Elena Dieaconu 

Membrii consiliului de administratie nu primesc salariu/remuneratie financiara. 

Planul fundatiei: 

Fundatia „Stichting vrienden  van de Parochie de Heilige Basilios de Grote en Heilige Ludger ”( Parohia Sf Vasile cel mare si Sf. Ludger) a fost conceputa cu scopul de a ajuta si de a sustine organizarea de activitati pentru comunitatea romana si ortodoxa din Olanda.  

De aceea, conform programului afisat pe site-ul parohiei, tinem  slujba  Sfintei Liturghii, la Parohia ortodoxa Sf Vasile cel Mare si Sf. Ludger din Megenin limba romana. Concomitent cu slujba religioasa, membrii asociatiei si a parohiei organizeaza activitati sociale si culturale de exersare si invatare a limbii romane pentru copii si adulti,  activitati muzicale, de lucru manual, limba roamana, pictura de icoane,  etc. 


Modul de comunicare in fundatie 


Pentru a mentine o buna legatura cu membrii parohiei si ai asociatiei, pe site-ul bisericii avem publicat in fiecare an calendarul slujbelor pentru anul respectiv. Cuplat cu site-ul avem si contul nostru de Facebook unde Parintele nostru (Presedintele Fundatiei noastre) anunta in fiecare saptamana slujba Sfintei Liturghii si Slujbele speciale din perioada ce urmeaza. 


Fondurile si modul de contabilitate al fundatiei 


In acest moment, fundatia noastra este sustinuta financiar doar din donatiile  si ajutorul primt de la membrii comunitatii parohiei ortodoxe. Contabilitatea si modul de distribuire a fondurilor din contul asociatiei poate fi facut vizibil pentru cei care doresc mai multe detalii luand legatura cu contabilul fundatiei noastre. Ca si fundatie dorim sa avem o cat mai buna transparenta a modului in care primim si gestionam donatiile. De aceea orice donator ne poate contacta pentru a cere informatii aferente gestionarii contului. De asemenea, sistemul de contabilitate a contului bancar al asociatiei poate fi verificat direct pe site (Contul de acces si parola este tinuta de catre contabilul parohiei). Pe site-ul fundatiei puteti gasi mai multe detailii despre structura asoctiatiei si membrii care fac parte din consiliul de administratie. 

2024 Jaarrekening 2019-2023 RO.pdf

Engleză (EN)

1. Foundation Name: Stichting vrienden  van de Parochie de Heilige Basilios de Grote en Heilige Ludger

2. Tax number: RSIN:854992728, KvK:62872338

3. Contact details:

Adress: Heilweg 8

6932 KH, Westervoort

Phone number: +31(0)68 544 9293


4. Board members:

Chairman: pr. Calin Pop
Secretary:  Emilia Cretu
Accountant: Elena Dieaconu

Board members are not receiving any financial compensation.

5. Strategic plan

The association was initiated with the purpose of helping and supporting in organizing activities for the Romanian and Orthodox community in the Netherlands.

Therefore, each two weeks we are still holding the Service of the Devine Liturgy in our Parish in Romanian language. Besides the religious services, the members of our association and from our Parish  are organizing various social and cultural activities for exercising and learning the Romanian language for children and adults as well, music activities, activities for making Handmade items, painting of religious icons, Etc.

6. The way of communication in the foundation

In order to maintain a good connection with the members of the parish and of the association, on the church’s website we have published every year the calendar of services for that year. Coupled with the site we also have our Facebook account where our Father (the President of our Foundation) announces every week the Divine Liturgy and the special services in the following period.

7. Funds and the accounting module of the foundation

At this moment, our foundation is financially supported only from donations and help from members of the Orthodox parish community. Accounting and the way of distributing funds from the association’s account can be made visible to those who want more details by contacting the accountant of our foundation. As a foundation we want to have a better transparency of how we receive and manage donations. That’s why any donor can contact us to ask for information related to account management. Also, the accounting system of the association’s bank account can be checked directly on the site (The access account and password is kept by the parish accountant). On the foundation’s website you can find more details about the structure of the association and the members who are part of the board of administration.


2024 Jaarrekening 2019-2023 EN.pdf

Olandeză (NL)

  1. Naam: Stichting vrienden van de Parochie de Heilige Basilios de Grote en Heilige Ludger
  2. Fiscaal nummer: RSIN:854992728, KvK:62872338
  3. Contactgegevens

Adres: Heilweg 8 

6932 KH, Westervoort 

Telefoon: +31(0)68 544 9293 


  1. Bestuurssamenstelling

Voorzitter: v. Calin Pop 
Secretaris:  Emilia Cretu 

Penningmeester: Elena Dieaconu 


Bestuursleden krijgen geen beloning. 

  1. Beleidsplan


Het doel van de oprichting van de Stichting Vrienden van de parochie De Heilige Basilios de Grote en Heilige Ludgeris het hulp en ondersteuning bieden bij het organiseren van activiteiten voor de orthodoxe Roemeense gemeenschap in Nederland.  De leden van de stichting organiseren naast de religieuze dienst ook sociale en culturele activiteiten met als doel het oefenen en het leren van de Roemeense taal voor kinderen en volwassenen, muzikale activiteiten, workshops voor het aanleren van handwerk, Roemeense taal en het schilderen van iconen. 


De communicatiewijze binnen de Stichting 


Op de site van de kerk, wordt jaarlijks de kalender, van de diensten, van ieder jaar, bekend gemaakt. Dit verzorgt een sterke band tussen alle leden van de Parochie en de Stichting, waardoor iedereen op de hoogte blijft met de diensten van ieder jaar. Wij hebben aan onze site ook een Facebook-account gekoppeld, waarop onze Priester (de voorzitter van onze Stichting), de wekelijkse diensten zoals de Heilige Liturgie maar ook andere speciale diensten voor de komende week bekend maakt. 


De financiëring en het beheer van het vermogen van onze Stichting 

Op dit moment wordt onze Stichting gefinancierd door middel van donaties en hulpschenkingen van de leden van onze parochie. De boekhouding en het beheer van onze fondsen worden zichtbaar gemaakt door de boekhouder van onze Stichting. Wij willen als stichting transparant blijven over de manier waarop wij onze donaties ontvangen en beheren. Iedere donateur kan ons benaderen om informatie op te vragen over het beheer van de fondsen. Ons boekhoudsysteem kan dan ook vanuit de site geverifieerd worden. (De account en het wachtwoord wordt door de boekhouder van onze parochie beheerd.) Op de site van onze Stichting kunt u meer details vinden over de structuur van onze Stichting en de leden van het bestuur van onze Stichting. 


2024 Jaarrekening 2019-2023 NL.pdf



Română (RO)

Scopul infiintarii fundatiei 

Fundatia „Stichting vrienden  van de Parochie de Heilige Basilios de Grote en Heilige Ludger”      (Parohia Sf Vasile cel mare si Sf. Ludger) a fost conceputa cu scopul de a ajuta si de a sustine organizarea de activitati pentru comunitatea romana si ortodoxa din Olanda.  

De aceea, conform programului afisat pe site tinem  slujba  Sfintei Liturghii, la Parohia ortodoxa Sf Vasile cel Mare si Sf. Ludger din Megen in limba romana. Concomitent cu slujba religioasa, membrii asociatiei si a parohiei organizeaza activitati sociale si culturale de exersare si invatare a limbii romane pentru copii si adulti,  activitati muzicale, de lucru manual, pictura de icoane,  etc. 

Misiunea fundatiei 

Unul din punctele de plecare in fondarea asociatiei a fost pastrarea identitatii culturale si religioase cat si cunoasterea si mentinerea traditiilor romanesti.  Acest plan este realizat prin organizarea de activitati culturale, gastronomice  si religioase cum ar fi de exemplu: workshopuri tinute in limba romana, pt copii si adulti/ slujbe religioase tinute in limba romana pt comunitatea ortodoxa :romani, olandezi si alte nationalitati care doresc sa ia parte la slujbele ortodoxe. 

In ajutorul celor care vor sa participe la slujba organizata si nu stiu limba romana, avem materiale printate in limba olandeza pentru a ajuta pe parcursul slujbei la urmarirea momentelor esentiale. De aceea  slujba se tine in limba romana iar rugaciunile Tatal nostru si Crezul se citesc atat in limba romana cat si in limba olandeza de intreaga comunitate adunata la slujba. 

Pe langa scopul religios al fundatiei, asociatia vine totodata si in sprijinul nevoii oamenilor de a se intalni, de a comunica si a se regasi in preajma celor care vorbesc aceeasi limba si care au crescut in aceeasi cultura. 

De aceea, dupa Slujba Sfintei Liturghii cei care doresc sa ramana pot sa bea o cafea impreuna, sa faca cunostinta si sa socializeze cu alti enoriasi ai parohiei care au fost prezenti la Slujba. 

 Intalnirile de care avem parte dupa Slujba vin si in ajutorul celor care sunt singuri si nu au foarte multe sanse de socializare, de exemplu a celor care sunt veniti in scop profesional in Olanda sau a celor care nu au familia aproape. Scopul este de a ajuta si a sustine acele persoane care sunt venite de curand in aceasta tara, care nu au multe cunostinte legate de sistemul olandez (locuinta/munca/ taxe/asigurare de sanatate, etc) si care au cunostinte limitate de limba olandeza/engleza. 

Uneori observam ca cei nou veniti au foarte multe intrebari in legatura cu diferentele culturale dintre cele doua tari(Romania/Olanda). Faptul ca o comunitate de oameni pot ajuta cu anumite raspunsuri sau cu anumite sfaturi ii indeamna la o mai buna integrare in sistemul cultural si social olandez . 

In religia Ortodoxa, unele din cele mai importante momente religioase de peste an sunt perioada Pastelui si perioada Craciunului. 

In acest scop parohia noastra organizeaza in fiecare an serbarea de Craciun in care cantam colinde. Este un moment special in care toata comunitatea adunata la biserica se bucura de traditiile si de cultura romaneasca pe care incercam sa o perpetuam mai departe atat celor tineri cat si copiilor.  

Parohia noastra organizeaza in perioada Pastelui slujbele aferete Postului Mare si Slujba Sfanta a Invierii. Slujbele Invierii sunt intampinate de un numar tot mai mare de enoriasi veniti din toate regiunile Olandei. Slujba Invierii este o slujba care ne aduce momente de bucurie in care un numar din ce in ce mai mare de oameni  doresc sa faca parte din comunitatea adunata la biserica pentru a ne bucura impreuna de momentul special care ne aminteste de Invierea Domnului.  

In timpul verii fundatia noastra isi propune sa organizeze diferite activitati pentru membrii parohiei pentru a intruni comunitatea romaneasca- si nu numai. De exemplu o data pe an se va organiza un gratar sau o masa cu mancare traditionala romaneasca. 

Modul de comunicare in fundatie 

Pentru a mentine o buna legatura cu membrii parohiei si ai asociatiei, pe site-ul bisericii avem publicat in fiecare an calendarul slujbelor pentru anul respectiv. Cuplat cu site-ul avem si contul nostru de Facebook unde Parintele nostru (Presedintele Fundatiei noastre) anunta in fiecare saptamana slujba Sfintei Liturghii si Slujbele speciale din perioada ce urmeaza. 

Planul de viitor al fundatiei 

Deoarece comunitatea bisericii se mareste de la an la an si locatia pe care o avem limiteaza numarul de slujbe/ intalniri pe  care le putem organiza in fiecare luna, incercam sa gasim noi solutii pentru a putea fi mai independenti in organizarea evenimentelor culturale si sociale ale parohiei. In  acest scop, fundatia noastra  este concentata si spre gasirea posibilitatilor pentru cumpararea unei biserici proprii.    

In acest moment bugetul asociatiei este folosit pentru intretinerea si plata costurilor aferente bisericii(chirie/lumanari si alte necesitati). In cazul achizitionarii unei biserici bugetul va fi folosit pentru plata ratei lunare(in cazul unui imprumut bancar pentru plata bisericii) si a costurilor lunare/anuale de intretinere a lacasului de cult. 

In planul de viitor al fundatiei avem in proiect Scoala Romaneasca Gelderland. Acesta este un proiect in care copiii vor avea parte de activitati organizate de anumiti profesori romani care sunt rezidenti sau care locuiesc in Olanda. Activitatile care sunt puse la dispozitie sunt pentru copii si adulti,  pentru invatarea limbii romane,  activitati muzicale, activitati de creatie si de lucru manual sau pictura de icoane. Sustinerea acestui proiect se va face prin donatiile aferente pentru organizarea activitatilor scolare si extrascolare pentru copii/adulti si cumpararea materialelor necesare acestora. 

Fondurile si modul de contabilitate al fundatiei 

In acest moment, fundatia noastra este sustinuta financiar doar din donatiile  si ajutorul primt de la membrii comunitatii parohiei ortodoxe. Contabilitatea si modul de distribuire a fondurilor din contul asociatiei poate fi facut vizibil pentru cei care doresc mai multe detalii luand legatura cu contabilul fundatiei noastre. Ca si fundatie dorim sa avem o cat mai buna transparenta a modului in care primim si gestionam donatiile. De aceea orice donator ne poate contacta pentru a cere informatii aferente gestionarii contului. De asemenea, sistemul de contabilitate a contului bancar al asociatiei poate fi verificat direct pe site (Contul de acces si parola este tinuta de catre contabilul parohiei). Pe site-ul fundatiei puteti gasi mai multe detailii despre structura asociatiei si membrii care fac parte din consiliul de administratie.  

In cazul putin probabil in care asociatia noastra ar trebui sa se dizolve, fondurile stranse si lucrurile apartinand fundatiei se vor dona parohiilor ortodoxe in nevoie din Olanda sau Europa de vest. 

Engleză (EN)

The purpose for our foundation 

The association was initiated with the purpose of helping and supporting in organizing activities for the Romanian and Orthodox community in the Netherlands. 

Therefore, each two weeks we are still holding the Service of the Devine Liturgy in our Parish in Romanian language. Besides the religious services, the members of our association and from our Parish  are organizing various social and cultural activities for exercising and learning the Romanian language for children and adults as well, music activities, activities for making Handmade items, painting of religious icons, Etc. 

The mission of the foundation 

One of the starting points of our association was sustaining our cultural and religious identity but as well passing on the Romanian traditions. We are supporting this by organizing different cultural, religious, and gastronomic activities like: workshops in Romanian language for children and adults/ religious services in Romanian language for the orthodox community: for the Romanian, Dutch and other nationalities which would like to be part of the orthodox services. 

In order to assist the people who would like to join the service and don’t have Romanian language knowledge, we offer printed papers with the essential parts of the service to be followed in Dutch and English language. The service is in Romanian language but the main prayers Our Father and the Creed are read as well during the service in both Dutch and Romanian language by the church community. 

Besides the religious purpose of the foundation, the association also comes to support the need of people to meet, to communicate and to find themselves around those who speak the same language and who have grown up in the same culture. 

Therefore, after the Divine Liturgy, those who want to stay can drink a coffee together, get acquainted and socialize with other parishioners of the parish who were present at the Service. 

The meetings we have after the Service also come to the aid of those who are alone and do not have many chances of socializing, for example those who come for professional purposes in the Netherlands or those who do not have family close by. The goal is to help and support those people who have recently come to this country, who do not have much knowledge of the Dutch system (housing/work/taxes/health insurance, etc.) and who have limited knowledge of Dutch/English language. Sometimes we notice that the newcomers have many questions about the cultural differences between the two countries (Romania/ The Netherlands). The fact that a community of people can help with certain answers or with certain advice prompts them to a better integration in the Dutch cultural and social system. 

In the Orthodox religion, some of the most important religious moments of the year are the Easter period and the Christmas period. 

For this purpose, our parish organizes every year the Christmas celebration in which we sing carols. It is a special moment when the whole community gathered at the church enjoys the Traditions and the Romanian culture that we try to perpetuate further for both the youth and the children. 

Our parish organizes during Easter period the services of Lent and the Holy Service of the Resurrection. Resurrection services are greeted by a growing number of parishioners coming from all regions of the Netherlands. The Resurrection Service is a service that brings us moments of joy in which an increasing number of people want to be part of the community gathered at the church to enjoy together the special moment that reminds us of the Lord's Resurrection. 

During the summer our foundation aims to organize different activities for the members of the parish in order to meet the Romanian community - and not only. For example, once a year there will be a barbecue or a meal with traditional Romanian food. 

The way of communication in the foundation 

In order to maintain a good connection with the members of the parish and of the association, on the church's website we have published every year the calendar of services for that year. Coupled with the site we also have our Facebook account where our Father (the President of our Foundation) announces every week the Divine Liturgy and the special services in the following period. 

The future plan of the foundation 

Because the church community grows from year to year and the location we have limits the number of services / meetings that we can organize each month, we try to find new solutions to be more independent in organizing cultural and social events of the parish. To this end, our foundation is also focused on finding possibilities for buying our own church.   

At this moment, the budget of the association is used to maintain and pay the costs related to the church (rent / candles and other necessities). In case of purchasing a church, the budget will be used to pay the monthly installment (in the case of a bank loan for the payment of the church) and the monthly / annual costs of maintaining the place of worship.   

In the future plan of the foundation we have in the project the Romanian School from Gelderland region. This is a project in which children will have activities organized by certain Romanian teachers who are residents or who live in the Netherlands. The activities that are made available are as well for children and adults, for learning the Romanian language, musical activities, creative and handicraft activities or icon painting. The support of this project will be made through the related donations for the organization of school and extracurricular activities for children / adults and the purchase of the necessary materials for them.  

Funds and the accounting module of the foundation 

At this moment, our foundation is financially supported only from donations and help from members of the Orthodox parish community. Accounting and the way of distributing funds from the association's account can be made visible to those who want more details by contacting the accountant of our foundation. As a foundation we want to have a better transparency of how we receive and manage donations. That's why any donor can contact us to ask for information related to account management. Also, the accounting system of the association's bank account can be checked directly on the site (The access account and password is kept by the parish accountant). On the foundation's website you can find more details about the structure of the association and the members who are part of the board of administration. 

In the unlikely event that our association should dissolve, the funds raised and the things belonging to the foundation will be donated to orthodox parishes in need in the Netherlands or Western Europe.